Sunday 20 July 2008

Strength Training Recap / Enter the Fat Loss

Posted by Obsession on Sunday, April 15, 2007. Visit Obsession's BodyDaemon Journal.

The strength training, unfortunately, wasn't successful. My max bench press didn't budge 1kg, which I found particularly disappointing, especially since I put in some good effort. My max squat broke the 100kg barrier, which was great, but stalled past there. I don't know what went wrong. A few weeks ago, I asked myself whether it was a lack of total volume, so I changed it from singles only to 3's till failure, then singles. In my last squat effort, my 3RM went up 7.5kg, but my 1RM stayed the same.

Next time I do strength training, I'm going to keep it in the 3-6RM, staying away from failure in all but the last set.

On the body composition front, I've definitely put on some body fat. It has accelerated particularly in the past couple of weeks, so I've got to put a stop to that. From today for the next month, I'll be back on my Winning Formula program, at 2500 calories/day.

Since stopping The Winning Formula and eating up to 3500cal/day, I've gained 6mm on my abdominal caliper measurement, 5cm on my waist measurment. Sounds bad, but the last time I was at the same abdominal caliper measurment, I was about 2kg lighter, so I've put on about 2kg of lean mass since the start of the year.

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