Saturday, 19 July 2008

Shoulder rehab started today

Posted by jim on Wednesday, August 02, 2006. Visit jim's BodyDaemon Journal.
I started rehab for my shoulder today. I've had ongoing pain issues with it, as a result of imbalances from a knee injury (or so I suspect, at any rate). It seems my right shoulder is weaker and smaller than the left, and it has manifested itself as follows: 
1. On pressing movements the right shoulder goes 'weak' first; 
2. My lats are inbalanced; 
3. My right shoulder hurts sometimes 
I'm doing this rehab with the help of a very knowledgable PT at my local gym, because I don't feel comfortable doing it on my own - it's all very well knowing how to do the basic 'get big/strong' stuff, but I don't want to take any chances. 
It looks like sorting this out is going to involve a lot of rear delt and rotator cuff work with light resistance, which is pretty much what I expected. I'm going to have to spend a lot of gym time on the knee rehabilitation, so figured it'd be a good time to address my shoulder issues as well. 
I'm going to put a couple of templates together for my shoulder / knee rehab respectively.

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