Sunday, 20 July 2008

NEW SITE IS LIVE!!!! Finally..

Posted by jim on Sunday, February 17, 2008. Visit jim's BodyDaemon Journal.
As I am guessing you can all tell, the new website has gone live.

I really, really hope you all like it.

I want to say a very, very big thank you to the following people:
  • Zoe, for putting up with me spending literally thousands of hours coding the new site, and helping me test it.

  • Kuldip & Grant (the new team members) for their amazing technical and design input.

  • Obsession, Dimebag & Woot - long time members of the site - who have given a great deal of feedback during testing of the new site.

  • Everyone else that has spared the time to look at the site, including: Roger, Asad, Mark, Richard, Tom, Lee..
Please let me know what you think by leaving comments in my journal. This is the first release of a very complicated piece of software, so there are bound to be a few bugs. We'll try to fix them as quickly as we can.

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