Monday, 21 July 2008

Knee update

Posted by jim on Saturday, November 25, 2006. Visit jim's BodyDaemon Journal.

Well its been just over 48 hours and so far so good. I am walking about OK and i've been to the shops. Bearing weight is OK although I wouldnt want to walk too far, my knee is very swollen.

The worst thing so far is I seem to have had an allergic reaction (again) to the dressing and the skin all around the wound sites has gone bright bright red and raw to touch.. I think the raw is 50% allergy, 50% me scratching. My dog (with sharp claws) jumped up me an hour ago and I screamed so loud I actually made the poor thing wet himself.. he is lying on my lap now and he's just stopped shaking after about 20 minutes!!!

Anyway hopefully all will continue to go well. Will upload some pics of my lovely new scars at some poiint.

Have been looking at porting MuscleJournal's database to MySQL instead of sql server 2000 as it's free (sql server 2000 on dedicated license is going to cost a lot of money). However MySQL stored procedures don't make me all warm and fuzzy. I need to play a little more, but they feel.. well... a little flaky? I don't want to undertake a migration unless I'm certain MySQL will do what I need it to, since there's about 150 stored procedures so it will take a good deal of effort to carry everything over.

If anyone has any experience of converting a complex SQL Server project to MySql 5.x I'd love to hear from you.

End of my ramblings.. gonna go back to trying to make amends with Hugo (my dog). I think he's still mad at me for the screaming!!


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