Monday, 21 July 2008

A month on

Posted by Dimebag on Wednesday, August 30, 2006. Visit Dimebag's BodyDaemon Journal.

A month on and its going ok, I've sorted my diet out into nice 3 hourly meals consisting of 30g of protein each meal. I've started expanding my training exercises to include cables and I've joined a new gym closer to my new home. Its called Trimwise and its always nearly empty with all brand new kit so I have a wide range of things to use, and they are always available.

Im not totally happy with my progress yet but the change in diet is really early days at the moment, only been doing it around 3 days or something after a gap of heavy drunkness and take aways on the weekend. Ah well why not once in a while? 2 Meals and some beer isnt going to ruin 4 years of work.

Later on today I will be going for a consultation at this new gym at 5pm, they will let me know bodyfat, lean mass, water levels etc. I'm hoping my bodyfat will be around 10 to 12% because I know I've put on some since the last photo. Having 8% bodyfat was quite hard to maintain for me and I seemed to get ill a lot whilst doing it.

Saying that however, spreading out these meals so thinly whilst filling up each time I eat is really helping. Im down from a rediculous 5k+ calories a day to a nice 2,500 which keeps me content on protein, maintains my muscles and should also help me cut back on bodyfat if I actually want to.

Will post the results of the test tommorow, dont have internet at home yet.

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