The title says it all. At one point, my scales showed over 76kg, which is about 10kg heavier than I was when I started bulking in the middle of September.
I've definitely put on some muscle. Especially when training 4x a week full body - I made some excellent gains then. This included the 10x3 protocol, which was fantastic. Helped with my strength as well. After a week break after 8 weeks on the 10x3, I started out doing a 4 day split, which was OK but didn't seem to work quite as well. I also hurt my left knee while squatting, but it's slowly about back to normal now. I'll just have to get my strength back.
I've also put on a decent amount of fat. My waist measurment has gone up considerably, nearly 90cm, where it was just under 80 for a while there. My jeans barely fit me too.
So I'm going back on my 2250cal/day system with the same carbohydrate protocols as before. I've eaten very little today, and will do another big workout tomorrow to attack my muscle's carbohydrate stores. I'm also enlisting the aid of a fat-burner suppliement. On the exercise front, I'm going to go back to two full body strength sessions, likely the same as I've been doing in previous fat loss sessions. I'm also going to get back into my complexes.
Happy New Year!
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