Sunday, 20 July 2008

1st Blog entry!

Posted by Arsenal1986 on Tuesday, January 09, 2007. Visit Arsenal1986's BodyDaemon Journal.

So decide to start this blog to keep a more accurate log of my workouts so i can look back and make sure i'm making progress in the months to come.

So First off the program ive been following since last Tuesday Is Coach DeFrancos Westside for Skinny Bastards. Seems like a well balanced program and will be mainly using it to get my 1rm numbers up over the next six weeks while hopefully gaining a little size althought that isnt a prioirity for the next 6 weeks. To use the lingo I'm going on a strength cycle.

After a year of truly awful overtraining using splits for the previous three months I've been performing Waterbury Total Body Workouts and probably for the first time since beginning lifting starting to eat enough. Pretty happy with the results put on a solid ten or so pounds. Felt i was plateauing a little so i decided to do some strength work plus on Waterburys programs was really getting to like Lifting Heavy for low reps and this seems to incorporate that.

So current goals are add a few kilos to my 1rms on the Squat, Deadlift and Bench over the next few weeks.

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