Sunday, 20 July 2008

Happy Christmas all :-)

Posted by jim on Thursday, December 28, 2006. Visit jim's BodyDaemon Journal.

Hi Everyone,

Hope you're all having a great holiday and enjoying spending quality time with family and friends.

I have eaten too much chocolate (and marzipan) and drank too much beer (and kahlua, champagne, baileys, etc, etc :)

In vaguely training related news I went for a run earlier this week for the first time in over a year (due to knee badness) and it felt great. I went for another today and it still felt good. A short distance - around 1.5 kilometers - but still - no pain, which is the main thing. I still can't squat down past about 45 degrees, but at least running is *something* vaguely athletic that I can do without any pain!

A very happy new year to you all,

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