Monday, 21 July 2008

Self analysis

Posted by kit-el on Wednesday, October 18, 2006. Visit kit-el's BodyDaemon Journal.

Okay, I starting the 5th week of the First Place group, which marks the beginning of me starting to pay attention to calories... sortof.  I wasn't really dedicated at the beginning and took a detour midway through the last month or so and as of today I am at the exact same weight as my first weigh in with the program.  HOWEVER, I am really starting to see some definition in my thighs, my calves, and my arms, and the slightest hint in my stomach.  I really think that there's something to be said for this eating thing and if I can just stay on the wagon and keep working out, which I have decided that I LOVE doing, I should have no problem dropping to 160 by 12/25.


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