Monday, 21 July 2008

Hurray ive just had an operation

Posted by jim on Thursday, November 23, 2006. Visit jim's BodyDaemon Journal.


I have just had an operation (yesterday) to check for, and if found, remove, a plica from my right knee.

I have had 2 plica removed from my right knee. Plica are folds of dead skin formed during foetal development, and are present in many people. However in some people they can cause problems in the knee joint tracking correctly.

While under arthroscopsy the surgeon was able to bend my knee back/forth and witness the plica intefering with the correct tracking of the knee joint. This should hopefully explain my pain during exercises like squats, cycling, etc (as well as day-to-day pains, which had got pretty unbearable).

Now is just over 24 hours after the operation and I'm very sore. Will probably spend the next few days lying on the sofa watching TV!!!

Here's hoping this solves my knee pain problems once and for all.

Jim :-)

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