Sunday, 20 July 2008

New goals

Posted by adsy on Sunday, July 22, 2007. Visit adsy's BodyDaemon Journal.

ive entered new goals im aiming for, mainly to be completed by the end of the year. Its been a long time goal to reach 1000 lbs in the big 3 lifts and i think when i finally do reach it hopefully by the end of the year, tho a big ask :), i will concentrate more on fat loss and hypertrophy and actually look more like a bodybuilder. The 250 lbs barrier for the bench press is attainable at present, ive never tried above 100kg (about 220 lbs) for reps so id like to see what i can do. The goal stats show im at about 174% to reaching this goal but this is based on a 1 rep max calculation (probably from when i managed 90kg for 10 reps). Deadlifts are still by far my best lift and i need to improve by about 10kg to get to 400lbs (182kg), with straps. Ive managed 140 kg (about 310lbs i think) for 4 without equipment. As such reaching 400lbs raw would take ages and i probably wont be able to do it by next year! Squats are progressing steadily although they are still way behind what they should be. Damn my weak hip flexors! :) i think the goals for squats will be some of the hardest to achieve in the time frame but it is my favourite lift at the moment so that can only help.

A few other goals include increasing bodypart sizes. These are progressing tediously slowly but they are changing so i ll stick with what im doing for now. Im determined to increase limb size to a more proportional appearance. If anyone is interested i used calculators from these links to determine ideal sizes:

it was interesting to see the believed maximum size for me at 8% bodyfat is 230lbs (drug free) so i have a long way to go before i reach my genetic potential. At first i thought the figures were for flexed muscles but they represent those in a relaxed state so i have a long way to go in that sense too! One thing that did stand out was my waist is well over the desired limit so im going to try a little bit more cardio, jogging or sprinting a few times a week. I tried it today and realised i hadn't actually ran full paced for a good year! That and its a lot harder on endurance when you're off the treadmill!

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