Sunday, 20 July 2008

Unfortunate setbacks and the return

Posted by wolfpac on Thursday, July 05, 2007. Visit wolfpac's BodyDaemon Journal.

Well, things were going well with my workouts and I was progressing nicely towards my goals, and then I go and get the flu. Not only that but as Im starting to get over it, I get the mumps of all things. So 3 weeks in bed have me going in the opposite direction and now my waist and bodyfat have risen sharply. Through that time I did the only positive thing I could think of which was to read up on as much nutritional information as possible, and also on as many different types of workouts as possible. So now Im ready to make a comeback only this time armed with a lot more knowledge and more ways of reaching my end of year goals. Going backwards the last 3 weeks has certainly made reaching them alot tougher but I know theres still time if I work hard enough at it, so here goes...

8% bodyfat by 31st of December 2007

28 inch waist by the 31st of December 2007

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