Sunday, 20 July 2008


Posted by adsy on Friday, May 25, 2007. Visit adsy's BodyDaemon Journal.

Hello to everyone on the site hope your training is going well!

I'm currently very happy with my progress, my strength is increasing nicely. I recently switched my routine to one that is based more heavily on compound movements that are repeated twice weekly and this seems to be a good frequency to train at to see improvements, at the mo.

I've changed to primarily focus on strength increase mainly because i love lifting heavy weights (for me :) ) and enjoy this type of workout. I think im going to try to keep my rep range around the 4 to 6 area for the heavier compound sets, and actually also for the sets leading up to them.

One goal i've just reached is to squat as much as i bench which is a relief. When i was younger, like a lot of training i expect, i concentrated mostly on the flat bench press and didn't really work my legs a lot. I wasn't very happy i could squat less than I bench so set about changing that. I'm hoping to get my squat figures close to my deadlift ones although i think im naturally better at the deadlift so it may be a bit optimistic.

To finish i'd just like to say i like the look of the site and the stats available are useful. It should make recording workouts a lot easier, aswell as observing progress. I'll probably add another blog when i reach a target or have something else to say. Well hope to speak to some members soon, and good luck with the lifting! :) adsy.

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