Sunday, 20 July 2008

Enter EDT

Posted by Obsession on Monday, January 08, 2007. Visit Obsession's BodyDaemon Journal.

It's been a few weeks since I finished "The Winning Formula" and I must say I've been pretty disappointed. Despite a) slowly increasing my calorie intake, b) watching my carb intake, c) not completely stopping exercise, I have put a noticable amount of fat back on in the abdominal region. The frustrating thing is that I'm still eating well below what most sources estimate as my maintanence level.

Perhaps I should have expected such a rebound as I pushed my body pretty far from it's old equilibrium. Hopefully if this is the case, subsequent diets won't spawn such a nasty rebound. I'm still pretty lean, but it is frustrating as I worked very hard.

So, enter EDT. More specifically, "RepGasm: The EDT Upper-Body Growth Explosion" by Charles Staley. Here's the link if you want to read more about it:

Basically it's based on increasing the density of the workouts as you progress, this particular version focuses on the pairing of Chin-Ups and Dips and promises a lot of soreness. We'll see. He leaves the lower body day pretty open, so I've decided to go for ~ 10 reps of 12RM for Front Squats, Stiff Legged Deadlifts and Snatch-Grip Deadlifts, 5 sets each. I will also do some shoulder external rotation work on lower body day.

I've also taken the liberty of adding 2 high intensity interval training days and one boxing day per week to keep up a reasonably high G-Flux - This will take me to six sessions per week, a bit of a far cry from the 9 sessions per week I was pushing during "The Winning Formula", but we'll see how it goes and I'll change things up if necessary. I've also changed the barbell curl to dumbell curls as my left arm is slightly smaller than my right and I don't want to give it any extra help.

I'm going to keep a daily track of my weight, bf% as read on my Tanita scales and the caliper reading at my abdominals every day and I'll post weekly how I'm progressing. This way I'll be able to see if I'm gaining weight at the slow pace as I'm hoping will happen. This week, I'm starting 3000 calories per day, but I predict the final number will end up being around the 3500 mark. I'll just keep eating until things start to happen, and hopefully my high G-Flux and good meal timing and choices will help keep my body fat gain to a respectable minimum.

The plan is to do this EDT for 8 weeks and then do 8 weeks of a strength based program. Let's see how I do.

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