het is ferragosto, het regent en het is ook koud...wat een saaie en triste dag!!!
ik heb niet zo veel zin om te trainen, ik wil me in leven voelen, maar ik voel te depressie.
This blog aggregates all public blog posts by members of BodyDaemon. BodyDaemon is a free online fitness journal, allowing members to track every aspect of their health. BodyDaemon can be found at www.bodydaemon.com
I'm testing the new blog editor.
A couple of bugs made it up but by and large all is looking good
sorry for the horrible fonts i just want to check the various features work
Hi guys
I know the site can be really slow at times. This is because we're on a shared server. I'm planning to move to a dedicated server within 2/3 weeks, until then I'm afraid you'll have to bear with us!
Once we're on a dedicated server, it should be a lot quicker. It will cost more, so we need lots of people to see the adverts - please tell your friends about MuscleJournal. I want the site to keep growing!
I just lost 3kg!
Well actually, that's not such a great thing. I've been trying to lose some body-fat for the past 8 weeks, and although I'm now 3kg lighter, the abs are showing only slightly more than they were 2 months ago.
Upon reading Dr. John Berardi's article on t-nation: The Winning Formula, (http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=460250), it's pretty clear how badly planned my program has been. I thought that I could combine my cardio sessions (4/wk, 20min ea) with functional exercises ~ 15RM and still keep my muscle mass. How wrong I was.
This was after gaining ~ 3kg lifting heavy for 6 weeks. Most of the sets that I did were to failure, so I burnt out pretty quickly. When I get back into lifting heavy, I'm definitely going to keep 80% of my sets under failure.
The goal: to decrease my bodyfat % to a point where I'm happy with the way my abs show whilst keeping as much muscle as humanly possible. This should be a fairly short-term goal.
And before anybody mentions the fact that I should be bulking up now that I've fallen back under the 70kg mark, I'll point you all in the direction of Lyle McDonald's article "Initial Body Fat & Body Composition Changes" (www.bodybuilding.com/fun/core3.htm) and just say that I also want to prove to myself that I can do it.
ik voel slecht...ufff het is de regel in dit periode...
mijn buik is beter maar mijn stemming nee
ik moet helemaal die l-fenilalanine herinneren, het is de enige manieer voor de depressie doden.
ik moet ook aan de bulimie-problemen bedenken.
Today I added a feature to back up the journal to a text file. This is a quick-and-nasty solution, and in the longer term more elegant backup features will be provided.
I've done this primarily to address the concern of "what if I use MuscleJournal for 6 months and the site disappears and I lost all my data?". Rest assured, this site is here to stay - but still, full backup features will, in time, be provided, for your collective peace of mind. If you could let me know what kind of formats you'd like, it would be useful :-)
If you like the site, then please - spread the word !!! :-)
I will be following Dr. John's Berardi's method for achieving my goal as outlined in http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=460250 starting Thursday.
Upper Body Workout (1.25 hour)-14 to 16 total sets (focus on pulling movements)
Anaerobic Training (30min)
Lower Body Workout (1.25 hour) — 14 to 16 total sets (focus on quad dominant)
Aerobic Training (30min)
Wednesday — Off
Upper Body Workout (1.25 hour) — 14 to 16 total sets (focus on pushing movements)
Anaerobic Training (30min)
Lower Body Workout (1.25 hour)-14 to 16 total sets (focus on hip dominant)
Aerobic Training (30 min)
Anaerobic Training (30 min)
Sunday — Off
In regards to my diet, I am consuming about the right amount of calories (~2500/day) taken from his formula where:
RMR=1790, Maintenance Intake = 3088 cal/day, Fat loss Intake = 2625 cal/day
following no particular time schedule or meal plan in particular, aiming to stick to the required amount of calories, and as close to the recommended ratio of macronutrients as possible.
I know I haven't updated my journal for a while so here goes. If anyone is actually reading this, leave me some comments below :-)
Leg rehab is going slowly. I'm sore as hell so I've been very careful, icing a lot, and not doing too much in terms of rehab. As long as things dont' waste away, I'm keen to get the swelling down before attempting more aggressive rehab. So far, I haven't had any of the pain I had prior to surgery 5 weeks ago, so it's looking promising.
I followed the shoulder rehab programme set out by the personal trainer @ gym, but I don't feel it was helping - if anything it was making the pain worse. So, I went and saw a physiotherapist, who said the following:
The planned solution to the problems are as follows:
Shoulders Rolling Forward
- Strengthen the lats, with an aim of 'pulling back' the shoulders;
- Strengthen the rear delts
- Keep stretching my chest and front delts to stop them pulling my shoulders forward;
- Paying attention to posture
Right shoulder not being held in place properly
- Lots of strange exercises with rubber bands;
- Some stuff I've invented in the gym which feels like it hits the same muscles (I'll upload pictures);
- Again, paying attention to posture
So far all is going to plan, I'm going to add the various exercises to my Journal (with photos), and start logging them here. I haven't been logging them since in all honesty things are really hectic, and my computer-time at home has been spent updating MuscleJournal's software and fixing bugs.
I think things are going well? What do you guys think? I haven't had much feedback, but by the same token, lots of you guys are logging in several times a week to track your progress, so you must think it's OK!
I have lots of things I plan to do over the coming weeks, but most important initially is sorting out the few remaining bugs with the software. I know there are some problems, but unfortunately I have a 9-5 job and a life, so this is just something I do for fun - I can't spend as much time as I'd like maintaining the site. It's definately getting closer to how I'd like it to be.
The site is to be shifted to a dedicated server, but to do this I need to change the database backend from Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL. The reason is, currently I have a shared SQL Server license, but a dedicated one will cost about £1500, which is far too much. Changing the database is a little complicated, as I need to change a fair bit of the data-access code, along with a whole bunch of stored procedures (this wont mean anything to non-programmers!). If anyone works in IT and wants to sell me a SQL Server 2000 Production License (only for 1 CPU) at a nominal fee, I would be eternally grateful!
Once we're on a dedicated server, we can handle a lot more users (several thousand members by my estimation). I'd love to see more people using the site. If you have any friends that you think would like MJ, please tell them about it! Similarly, if you frequent any fitness / weightlifting forums, spread the word. I'd really appreciate it.
Ok, I've typed enough now. If anyone actually read this, leave me a comment, I'll appreciate it :-)
Hope you're all having a good bank holiday weekend.
Best wishes to all,
With respect to my knee, I have problems with overpronation of my feet - right inparticular - which is in part caused by tight calves. I stretch the hell out of my calves, but I'm not making as much progress as I'd like with tightness. So I'm giving this a go too:
I don't have a foam roller to hand, so instead I filled an empty 2 Litre bottle of coke full with water, and used that. It felt like a rolling pin: I imagine I'll be sore tommorow. But hopefully it's helping to loosen up my calves and hamstrings.
Has anyone else tried this?
Today's shoulder workout felt good. Planning to do this every couple of days. Hopefully it's working. Going to see physio again next week, I'll post the results here.
Made a bunch of updates today (See Coming Soon under the Home section for more info).
Had very relaxing bank holiday.. Zoe's brother is coming to stop with us for a few days this week (he's 11) so I doubt I'll be updating the site much!
I'm still not convinced anyone is reading this :-)
in de laatste 2 dagen ik voel beter...ik voel minder nodigheid van medicijnen, maar kan ik nog niet wel op dieet blijven.
mijn buik is heel goed nu maar ik ben bezorgd omdat kan ik niet naar het station fietsen...dat is minder sport en ook minder calorieen verbranden en dit is niet goed.
ik heb in de sportschool geprobeerd iets meer te doen maar het is niet makkelijk...er is geen feeling tussen de mensen erin en ik, ik voel niet thuis als in splash. de machines zijn niet goed, ook al nieuwer, en veel er missen.
nee nee nee de prijs is belangrijk maar ook hoe kun je erin voelen.
ik moet een oplossing vinden...
A month on and its going ok, I've sorted my diet out into nice 3 hourly meals consisting of 30g of protein each meal. I've started expanding my training exercises to include cables and I've joined a new gym closer to my new home. Its called Trimwise and its always nearly empty with all brand new kit so I have a wide range of things to use, and they are always available.
Im not totally happy with my progress yet but the change in diet is really early days at the moment, only been doing it around 3 days or something after a gap of heavy drunkness and take aways on the weekend. Ah well why not once in a while? 2 Meals and some beer isnt going to ruin 4 years of work.
Later on today I will be going for a consultation at this new gym at 5pm, they will let me know bodyfat, lean mass, water levels etc. I'm hoping my bodyfat will be around 10 to 12% because I know I've put on some since the last photo. Having 8% bodyfat was quite hard to maintain for me and I seemed to get ill a lot whilst doing it.
Saying that however, spreading out these meals so thinly whilst filling up each time I eat is really helping. Im down from a rediculous 5k+ calories a day to a nice 2,500 which keeps me content on protein, maintains my muscles and should also help me cut back on bodyfat if I actually want to.
Will post the results of the test tommorow, dont have internet at home yet.
Hey everyone,
There's a lot going on in my life right now so MJ has to take a back seat for a couple of weeks. I'll keep an eye on the site and fix any immediate problems, but there won't be any major releases for the next 2-3 weeks.
Don't worry though, the site isn't going anywhere!
ik voel beter (a part een discussie NU in het werk!!), mijn buik is nu heel goed, kan ik nog niet wel op diiet blijven maar maak ik goede progressen...
ik gebruik minder medicijnen maar ik denk dat het is beter als ik gaat aan hun door eten.
ik voel ook heel heel heel blij omdat ik een goede mogelijkheid in Italia gevonden heb!!!
ik hoop van wel!!!
Hey guys
Possibly going to be without internet for a couple of weeks,. I'll log in from work and approve any pending images / gyms / etc, but there won't be any software updates
Dont worry MJ is still going strong just I am moving house so that takes priority!!!!
menstruaties in komende en ik heb zin in tarten!!!!!
voor dit mijn dieet is zo slecht vandaag...ik moet iets voor de volgende dagen doen...
vandaag voel ik me beter...ik heb lekkere getrained en wel de dieet gevoeld....
ik heb aspirine(2caps) opgegeten voor de menstruaties maken beginnen en nu voel ik heel wel...
ik heb ook mooie nieuwes gehaad en zo...blijheid!!!!
ik ga door omega 3+6(3caps), dl-fenilalanine(1), stack(3) en haren-vitamine(2) aan eten en ik heb gezien dat het is beter als ik er nooit vergeet ook als ik me heel goed voel.
Hi All,
I've moved house! The delays have been due to both moving house and changing jobs. I've moved into a nice new house with Zoe - it's dead good, I'm going to put some pictures on here. There's a big garage which I'm kitting out as a gym - I already have some equipment but I'm going to get a power rack and an olympic bar / weights. Sadly we're renting as house prices are so expensive in the UK we can't possibly afford to buy :-( but hopefully we'll be there for a year or two, so we can enjoy it.
I'm starting a new job soon, too - I've left permanent work in favor of contracting. This will hopefully provide me with a much greater income, which is a good thing, as I'm in a fair amount of debt - mainly due to my knee dodginess over the last few years. I finish my permanent job on Tuesday and start the contract on Wednesday. Should be fun!!!
Training can start again properly this week - it's been incredibly flaky in recent weeks due to househunting, job hunting, packing, etc. Having a home gym should help a lot too. I'll start updating my journal again from this week. Remarkably, even though I've been massively neglecting rehab due to life getting in the way, my knee is feeling pretty good. Hopefully it'll hold up to some exercise :-)
I hope to start working on the site again properly some time over the next week or two - I have a pretty big list of things I wish to do, but if you have any ideas, comments or suggestions, please post some feedback in my blog or the tech support forum.
Once the next bunch of work is done on the site, I'm going to spend a great deal of my available time promoting it across the internet and around local gyms. I want more people to use MJ!!!
Anyway, I'll sign off now. Hope you're all well.
Had 2 proper workouts this week for the first time in ages, what with everything that's been happening. I'll input the training info tommorow.
Suffice to say, I'm weak as a kitten! Some lifts aren't too bad - but anything involving my back seems to be very poor. Lots of work to be done.
I have my new home gym setup in the garage - a power rack and olympic weights will be forthcoming (once i get paid), but for now I have:
Not too bad a setup I reckon! Will upload pics.
ik heb honger!!!!!!
heel goed!! gisteren avond heb ik haardgeloopt en ik dacht van slechter zijn...
ik heb voor bijna 20min haardgeloopt en dat is al een success!!!
nu heb ik een honger ongelofelijk en dat is heel goed!!!
nu, eindelijk, heb ik de correct hoofd voor de dieet volgen!!!
Today is AFL Grand Final day. This will be the first day since I started this that I won't worry about sticking to my 2500 calorie goal. I'm going to do my sprints this morning to ease the burden, though.
I'm not going to go all out, just not cry if I go over my calorie goal.
My prediction - Eagles by 35. And tomorrow, Storm by 2 tries.
If anyone wants to send me money, it would make my life easier!!!
Updates soon but life is way too hectic at the mo...
uff...ik voel me slecht voor een vervelend laag rugpijn!
ik kan niet wel op de stoel zitten en dat niet goed is!
van de andere kant alles gaat goed...ik heb mijn boek aan lezen beginnen (en vind ik er niet te moelijk), alles in italie gaat wel, mijn dieet is niet slecht (hoewel ik zeer inbreuken op de regel maak) en in de werk alles gaat....gaat voor macht van inertie...
beh nu heb ik honger...heel goed!
Taking an extra day off gym today. I decided this yesterday while doing my cardio.
My legs for the past two weeks have been somewhat in a permanant state of soreness. Coupling this with the fact that I've done measurably poorer in my past two cardio efforts, I think it's time for a bit longer rest than usual. I'm contemplating reducing the amount of sets on my legs days from 12 to 10 each, too.
Nutrition-wise, I was thinking of reducing the amount of calories today to compensate for the two lost workouts, but I decided not to as my aim is recovery and I believe that decreasing my calories at the same time would oppose that goal.
Hey guys,
I wanted to let you all know what's going on with the site, as there haven't been any updates for a while.
Don't worry - MJ is still going strong - and I have lots of plans for the site in the future. The problem is having the time to do them! I've just quit a permanent job in favour of contracting, and am going through the process of forming a limited company. I am in a contract until mid-December which is pretty much going to take up all of my computer time - I am working around 60-70 hours a week right now!
The plan is, after this contract, I'll have a reasonable buffer of money, and I plan to spend some time working on MuscleJournal as a day job. So, we need to get together a big list of improvements you guys would like to see to the site.
I'm hoping to do the following at the end of this year / beginning of next:
If I can make MuscleJournal generate a reasonable amount of cash, I can justify spending several weeks a year working on it, alongside traditional development contracts. This would be great for everyone involved, as I get to work on lots of good new features for the site, and can keep improving it.
Until this contract is over, updates are going to be limited to site maintenance and any urgent bug fixes. This doesn't mean the site is being forgotten and left by the wayside though. far from it in fact :)
So - that's the plan! What do you all think?
My shoulder still doesn't feel right.
I thought it was related to a rear delt / lat weakness, and I've been working really hard to try to tighten this up. However, it doesn't seem to be working.
I can replicate an odd 'click', which is uncomfortable, and doesn't happen in the other shoulder. As a result, I'm seeing a Chiropractor on Tuesday (since 2 physiotherapists have been unable to diagnose a problem).
Bit scared. Wish me luck!
My training this week has been limited to a few chinups in the garage while food is cooking!
I will have worked around 81 hours between Monday and today (Sunday) by the time I go to bed.
It's a good job I'm being paid by the hour ..!!!
waarom het is zo moelijk een eigen activiteit beginnen????
waarom kunt niet mijn vader een help vragen aan wie begrijp van banken???
waarom moet ik alle de organisatie aan mijn ouders laten???
ik wil bij mezelf doen!!!!
ik voel slecht! slecht! slecht! en boos! boos! boos!
Okay, I starting the 5th week of the First Place group, which marks the beginning of me starting to pay attention to calories... sortof. I wasn't really dedicated at the beginning and took a detour midway through the last month or so and as of today I am at the exact same weight as my first weigh in with the program. HOWEVER, I am really starting to see some definition in my thighs, my calves, and my arms, and the slightest hint in my stomach. I really think that there's something to be said for this eating thing and if I can just stay on the wagon and keep working out, which I have decided that I LOVE doing, I should have no problem dropping to 160 by 12/25.
Went out drinking for the first time since I started this journal last night (04/11/06). Ate small in the morning and afternoon to create a bit of a buffer. Consumed at or just over my maintentance level in the end.
Because of all the hard work I've been putting in, I feel a little guilty (and a little broke) but I know that one night out like this in a while won't kill me. I'm still going to do my sprints today.
Hi Everyone
I know I haven't been updating my journal and I know this is a bit weird since it's my site! However there is good reason. My training has been pretty much non existant, I now have a very good handle on my 2 injuries:
As a result I can't really train upper or lower body without pain, which doesn't leave a lot. So, I'm knuckling down with my job, racking up the overtime and counting the days until I can be more active again. Not long to wait now!
As goes the site: Preparations are being made for lots and lots of musclejournal goodness - watch this space!
Hope everyone is well, would be interested to hear of anyone with experience of Labrum tears..!!!
Jim :-)
For the next 5 weeks, a cycle of my training, I will monitor my resting heart rate, taking it whilst still in bed as close to waking as possible. I will be taking it with a Polar Heart Rate Monitor. The purpose of this exercise is to determine whether my RHR can be an indicator of overtraining.
To sum up, I will record:
Heart Rate, Time of Waking, Whethere I was Woken by my Alarm or Not, General Level of Fatigue during day %
Average Overall HR = 43.86
Average HR when < 6 Hours Slept = 44
Average HR when 6 Hours Slept = 44.67
Average HR when 7 Hours Slept = 44.2
Average HR when 8 Hours Slept = 43.6
Average HR when not woken by alarm = 44.44
Average HR when woken by alarm = 43.75
Average HR when woken at 5:30am = 41.2
Average HR when woken from 7am - 7:45am = 45.71
Average HR when woken from 8am - 8:45am = 43.25
Average HR when Fatigue <= 10% = 42.45
Average HR when Fatigue = 15% = 43.25
Average HR when Fatigue = 20-30% = 43.63
Average HR when Fatigue = >= 35% = 49.75
No noticable difference was found in HR in relation to how many hours were slept, in relation to waking up at different times, or whether or not I was woken up by an alarm.
There was, however, a small difference in the HR between fatigue levels <35% and =>35%. Although there weren't many instances of fatigue =>35%, I believe that the results are still pertinent.
Ultimately though, the results aren't clear enough to warrant measuring HR for signs of overtraining on a day-to-day basis. To keep doing it for a measurement over time would be interesting, put not interesting and applicable enough for me to it this way.
Starting today I'm lightening the load for a week to aid in recovery. This is following four weeks of my very tough "Winning Formula" regime. I'm going to take a full day off on Tuesday, but keep every other workout. In those workouts I'll keep the loads around 10RM, keeping 1 or 2 reps away from failure every set. Instead of my intense cardio workouts I'll be doing the same amount of time, but at a lot smaller intensity.
Diet-wise, I'll be sticking to the same amount of calories/day. I should still be able to lose some BF because the calorie intake is less than what is required to maintain my weight.
On another note, during my workout today I was interrupted by a personal trainer who insisted that my shoulders were in extreme trouble because of a kyphosis of my upper spine. Didn't even introduce himself. Apparently I dip my head when I do my rows, too. I know I have a slight problem with kyphosis, but as much as I'd love to spend a fortune on some quality time with him and his stick, I think it's something I can solve myself.
I have just had an operation (yesterday) to check for, and if found, remove, a plica from my right knee.
I have had 2 plica removed from my right knee. Plica are folds of dead skin formed during foetal development, and are present in many people. However in some people they can cause problems in the knee joint tracking correctly.
While under arthroscopsy the surgeon was able to bend my knee back/forth and witness the plica intefering with the correct tracking of the knee joint. This should hopefully explain my pain during exercises like squats, cycling, etc (as well as day-to-day pains, which had got pretty unbearable).
Now is just over 24 hours after the operation and I'm very sore. Will probably spend the next few days lying on the sofa watching TV!!!
Here's hoping this solves my knee pain problems once and for all.
Jim :-)
ik voel me gek! nerveus! gestressed!!!!!
ik zie niet de moment van beginnen!!!
morgen hebben wij de tekening van de contract en ik ben heel nerveus!!!!!
jammer dat wij nog hier zijn!!!!! ik wil doen maar kan ik niet!!!!!
2 weeks out from surgery
Over the last week my right knee has got a lot more painful. I just had an appointment today with the surgeon and he says this is probably due to scar tissue buildup and swelling. I am going to ahve twice weekly physiotherapy appointments with an emphasis on friction massage and ultrasound.
Will update tommorow after my first session. All exercise is still minimal until the pain is gone, hence no training updates.
In other news We are buying a house!!! woohooh :-)
ik voel me zo slecht...
ik heb een kadotje van Serena gekregen en dat maakt me zo pijn....dat beteken, echt, deze keer echt, dat wij zullen zien niet meer elkaar, kan ik niet aan dat bedenken!
als denk ik dat ik de werk moet einden, alle mijn vrienden laten, mijn colega etc...ik voel me zo slecht...
van een kant ik zien niet de moment van beginnen met mijn nieuwe sportschool maar van de andere....nou, het is zo pijnvol...
ik bouw mijn internet site, ik heb veel werk thuis aan dos pakken, ik moet denken aan andere burocratic dingen...ik heb veel dingen aan denken maar kan ik niet stoppen er aan wat ik hier laat....
ik voel me zo triste....
I finished the nutritional side of my "Winning Formula" program today; for the next two weeks I will be aiming for 2750cal, increase to 3000 after that, then after two weeks at 3000, increase to 3250 and see what changes my body is making. I will keep my meal timing, types and macronutrient ratios and just eat more. I have decided to take it easy on Christmas day and even give myself a little room to move on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. I believe I can let go a little through this period without any serious consequences.
On the training side of things, at the end of the week I'll be finished with my current training schedule. I've got two weeks off work from next week - the first week, I'll take the entire time off training unless I specifically feel like working something... Then again, I might sneak into the gym once or twice for a light full-body workout. The second week I will go in for two, slightly heavier full body workouts and make sure I get in two interval sessions as well.
From Monday 8th January, I'll be starting my slightly modified Escalating Density Training program. I will be keeping Charles Staley's principles, splits and time frames, but will change some of the exercises as I'm not keen on some of them (e.g. Leg Extension/Leg Curl superset). I will also be completing two interval training sessions and one steady-state cardio session per week to keep up a high G-Flux. I'll gear my nutrition around this till I am slowly gaining weight. More on this in a fortnight.
Check out the body composition section of today's journal for pics at the end of my "The Winning Formula" program. I think I've done quite well. Even though my progress slowed somewhat towards the end of the period, I'm still very happy with what I've accomplished. Looking back on the pictures of myself in August, 4 months ago, I'm very, very different. Now the aim will be to put on some muscle mass without compromising too much of the body-fat losses I've made in the past four month. It will be very interesting to see how this goes - I've never had too much success with putting on muscle mass, but then again, I've never really given my diet 100% attention.
Merry Christmas,
Hi Everyone,
Hope you're all having a great holiday and enjoying spending quality time with family and friends.
I have eaten too much chocolate (and marzipan) and drank too much beer (and kahlua, champagne, baileys, etc, etc :)
In vaguely training related news I went for a run earlier this week for the first time in over a year (due to knee badness) and it felt great. I went for another today and it still felt good. A short distance - around 1.5 kilometers - but still - no pain, which is the main thing. I still can't squat down past about 45 degrees, but at least running is *something* vaguely athletic that I can do without any pain!
A very happy new year to you all,
I'm more or less happy with my general size these days so I will be keeping my diet constant (lots of proteins more than anything else) and my training will be more or less the same as well.
I want to do 4 weight workouts per week and at least 1 CV for now whilst i build muscle in places that I want it. Specifically my chest and shoulders, as my chest has always been particularly crap as I am long limbed and my shoulders can never really be big enough. They are also a bit weak.
The program I am following now keeps things fairly simple, in the week I will do:
Chest / Shoulders
Shoulders / Chest
Legs + Abs
The emphasis being the first listed body part on a particular day.
I feel my deadlift is comming on quite nicely as I hit 308lbs in it the other day, but i'm not sure my form is the best. For this reason I'll be keeping it at a lower weight (120kg/265lb) and working at a few more good reps/sets to make sure i'm doing it right. Back isnt a problem for me and deadlifts are the one thing that has seriously helped me to put on weight.
For chest I will be concentrating on building up some more definition around the central area and the upper area with lots of flys and incline work. I want to level them out so they look flat and cut rather than a lump shaped more like a breast.
Shoulders for me have always been a problem, riddled with delt injuries in the past they have always been quite weak, i want to improve on this so I will be mil pressing every chest/shoulder workout and focusing on some isolation techniques to make them stronger as I progress.
My legs have been a bit neglected and thrashing out some big leg exercises tends to screw me for cardio work for the next week or so, but at the moment I dont mind. I'll build up the areas I want better until I'm satisfied then cut the rest of the fat off, saying that I dont really have much in the first place.
I'm optimistic for the new year in my training.
It's been a few weeks since I finished "The Winning Formula" and I must say I've been pretty disappointed. Despite a) slowly increasing my calorie intake, b) watching my carb intake, c) not completely stopping exercise, I have put a noticable amount of fat back on in the abdominal region. The frustrating thing is that I'm still eating well below what most sources estimate as my maintanence level.
Perhaps I should have expected such a rebound as I pushed my body pretty far from it's old equilibrium. Hopefully if this is the case, subsequent diets won't spawn such a nasty rebound. I'm still pretty lean, but it is frustrating as I worked very hard.
So, enter EDT. More specifically, "RepGasm: The EDT Upper-Body Growth Explosion" by Charles Staley. Here's the link if you want to read more about it: http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=1367987
Basically it's based on increasing the density of the workouts as you progress, this particular version focuses on the pairing of Chin-Ups and Dips and promises a lot of soreness. We'll see. He leaves the lower body day pretty open, so I've decided to go for ~ 10 reps of 12RM for Front Squats, Stiff Legged Deadlifts and Snatch-Grip Deadlifts, 5 sets each. I will also do some shoulder external rotation work on lower body day.
I've also taken the liberty of adding 2 high intensity interval training days and one boxing day per week to keep up a reasonably high G-Flux - This will take me to six sessions per week, a bit of a far cry from the 9 sessions per week I was pushing during "The Winning Formula", but we'll see how it goes and I'll change things up if necessary. I've also changed the barbell curl to dumbell curls as my left arm is slightly smaller than my right and I don't want to give it any extra help.
I'm going to keep a daily track of my weight, bf% as read on my Tanita scales and the caliper reading at my abdominals every day and I'll post weekly how I'm progressing. This way I'll be able to see if I'm gaining weight at the slow pace as I'm hoping will happen. This week, I'm starting 3000 calories per day, but I predict the final number will end up being around the 3500 mark. I'll just keep eating until things start to happen, and hopefully my high G-Flux and good meal timing and choices will help keep my body fat gain to a respectable minimum.
The plan is to do this EDT for 8 weeks and then do 8 weeks of a strength based program. Let's see how I do.
So decide to start this blog to keep a more accurate log of my workouts so i can look back and make sure i'm making progress in the months to come.
So First off the program ive been following since last Tuesday Is Coach DeFrancos Westside for Skinny Bastards. Seems like a well balanced program and will be mainly using it to get my 1rm numbers up over the next six weeks while hopefully gaining a little size althought that isnt a prioirity for the next 6 weeks. To use the lingo I'm going on a strength cycle.
After a year of truly awful overtraining using splits for the previous three months I've been performing Waterbury Total Body Workouts and probably for the first time since beginning lifting starting to eat enough. Pretty happy with the results put on a solid ten or so pounds. Felt i was plateauing a little so i decided to do some strength work plus on Waterburys programs was really getting to like Lifting Heavy for low reps and this seems to incorporate that.
So current goals are add a few kilos to my 1rms on the Squat, Deadlift and Bench over the next few weeks.
I had a tetanus / diptheria / polio vaccination on thursday.
Its not been a pleasent weekend. My arm was swollen and the shot had some bad effects on me, notably making me feel warn out, giving me bad pain around the tricep of my left arm (where i got the shot) and generally putting me in a very run down and bad mood.
Over the last 48 hours I've slept 24 and I'm still not feeling great. I want to go to the gym on monday and work on some legs and arms but if the pain still persists I'll have to give it a rest for a bit longer. A minor set back but annoying none the less.
Took a clear week off as the vaccine had seriously screwed me up and I needed my rest.
Have been sleeping more than 12 hours a day periodically all week but it feels good to have done it and i felt stronger today in my shoulders when i got round to doing some training.
Also had blood tests at the doctors on monday to look for a possible reason for my seemingly endless fatigue. I wouldn't mind waking up and not having huge bags under my eyes once a week.
Had to have another week off as I've torn both triceps, left one worse than the right.
Took me to A and E on monday night and they diagnosed "tendonitis", the nurse wasnt really intested in my lifestyle or hobbies or what i've been up to. Just basically said "i've had symptoms like that before it was tendonitis". Doctor checked me out for nerve damage, there was none so I asked my sports massage therapist to have a look. She had a book on reffered pain which was ideal, so we looked through that and diagnosed due to what I was saying that it was my triceps that were in pain. After a little bit of searching around on the muscle and me nearly jumping so high i hit the ceiling (on the left side particularly) we found out that my triceps were definitely in the ****
Apparently they felt like bubble wrap to her so its no wonder i was getting a lot of pain from them, so i am back in the gym today watching what i eat and doing some light weights compared to what im used to. After todays workout using quite a bit of triceps my arms feel ok, slight irritation but nothing major.
Take care everyone.
The strength training, unfortunately, wasn't successful. My max bench press didn't budge 1kg, which I found particularly disappointing, especially since I put in some good effort. My max squat broke the 100kg barrier, which was great, but stalled past there. I don't know what went wrong. A few weeks ago, I asked myself whether it was a lack of total volume, so I changed it from singles only to 3's till failure, then singles. In my last squat effort, my 3RM went up 7.5kg, but my 1RM stayed the same.
Next time I do strength training, I'm going to keep it in the 3-6RM, staying away from failure in all but the last set.
On the body composition front, I've definitely put on some body fat. It has accelerated particularly in the past couple of weeks, so I've got to put a stop to that. From today for the next month, I'll be back on my Winning Formula program, at 2500 calories/day.
Since stopping The Winning Formula and eating up to 3500cal/day, I've gained 6mm on my abdominal caliper measurement, 5cm on my waist measurment. Sounds bad, but the last time I was at the same abdominal caliper measurment, I was about 2kg lighter, so I've put on about 2kg of lean mass since the start of the year.
Well, I'm not losing body fat as fast as I thought I would. I'm finding that I can't recover quite as quickly with this giant workload as I did last year. Also, I've been going out to dinner too often. I'm pretty fu I'm going to drop the calories to 2250/day and see if that makes a difference.
Hello to everyone on the site hope your training is going well!
I'm currently very happy with my progress, my strength is increasing nicely. I recently switched my routine to one that is based more heavily on compound movements that are repeated twice weekly and this seems to be a good frequency to train at to see improvements, at the mo.
I've changed to primarily focus on strength increase mainly because i love lifting heavy weights (for me :) ) and enjoy this type of workout. I think im going to try to keep my rep range around the 4 to 6 area for the heavier compound sets, and actually also for the sets leading up to them.
One goal i've just reached is to squat as much as i bench which is a relief. When i was younger, like a lot of training i expect, i concentrated mostly on the flat bench press and didn't really work my legs a lot. I wasn't very happy i could squat less than I bench so set about changing that. I'm hoping to get my squat figures close to my deadlift ones although i think im naturally better at the deadlift so it may be a bit optimistic.
To finish i'd just like to say i like the look of the site and the stats available are useful. It should make recording workouts a lot easier, aswell as observing progress. I'll probably add another blog when i reach a target or have something else to say. Well hope to speak to some members soon, and good luck with the lifting! :) adsy.
After squating 100x3 the other day, legs and especially hips were still sore for the next workout so im going to try one heavy and one light day a week. Tried squats today and did a few 60x12's which felt good so i'll try heavy next workout and see. What effect this will have on reaching my new squat goal remains to be seen. Adsy
I was on "The Winning Formula" for about a month, went from 14mm in my abdominal measurement to 10mm. I had hoped for more, but my diet wasn't quite right. There were too many times when I went out to dinner and ate >2500 cal. I even went down to 2250cal/day for the last couple of weeks. I could have done more but I found that I couldn't do the same amount of work as when I was on the same program last year. This is possibly because I have been replacing the "surge" post workout drink with my Musashi Protien blend plus Milo.
I'm getting back into my bulking phase after a week deloading/recovering. The plan is to go straight to 3250cal/day and see if I gain weight from there. I will be trying out Christian Thibaudeau's "Optimised Volume Training", which stimulates the muscle groups once per week. I'll do this for 8 weeks and guage my progress from there. I'll do another four weeks of strength training after that.
Funny thing is that I got stronger in quite a few lifts while I was on the "The Winning Formula" program. I can only assume that the type of workloads were very well suited to me, despite a lack of calories to maintain weight.
Sorry for not posting on here for ages.
MJ is alive and well although possibly not in it's current form for much longer. However this is not a bad thing.
In hindsight, there are lots of things wrong with the current user interface. Therefore, rather than trying to tidy it up, I'm treating this as the prototype and have been working away on a new, much easier to use, much faster front-end to the MuscleJournal framework.
The good news is I have a couple of other skilled hands on-board, which will help massively. I'll introduce them once it's confirmed.
The first beta should be up in around 3 weeks. We'll run it alongside MuscleJournal's current front-end for a little while to get feedback, then once it's stable, I'll be migrating all the journals over.
Don't worry - this is a good thing!
If anyone has any ideas as to things they'd like to see in a revised user interface, please let me know.
The past couple of weeks havent gone well. Although I would like to dismiss it as an excuse, deep down I knew all the overtime I have worked the past couple of weeks was going to have a negative effect on my training and results. In a way im happy that I managed to reach my latest goal but at the same time disappointed in myself that I only just made it on the last day with absolutely nothing to spare. Im now not on target to reach my goal of a 33 inch waist by the 1st of July, and know that its going to be quite difficult to lose 5/8 inch in just 16 days but I havent failed a goal yet and im going to try my hardest not to fail this one either!
I need to write down my motivations for getting in shape and keep them somewhere I will see them on a regular basis as I seem to have a problem of 'out of sight, out of mind' and losing my way because of it.
My end of year goals remain the same:
28 inch waist by the 31st of December 2007
8% bodyfat by the end of December 2007
Its going to get harder and harder to keep getting those stats to fall so I really have to step up my efforts if I have any chance of reaching them. This has to be the year I get into the sort of shape I want to be in! Nothing will stop me this time, I know I can do this!
just got a new pb for deadlift of 172.5kg so im very happy, aswell as hungry :P
i've decided to restart my squat goal because i changed my form to go atg (full range of motion) after the original goal was set. Because of this the weights i used decreased, but i am near to what i was half repping previously so this seems a good time. try to squat 140kg by the end of the year. Reckon i'll do it no probs :)
regarding my routine i've decided to split the big three lifts onto separate days with an arms workout after benching to try to increase arm size (another goal). So now just lifting 3 times a week, and might give sun a go as a cardio day to try and tone up. The routine of lifting the big 3 twice a week definitely helped but i felt it was something i could not maintain so i'll go back to it if i plateau.
Just changed my diet too, gonna eat more smaller portions of meat and veg for dinner meals in a bid to lose a bit of fat. if i can slim down by half a stone to about 13 stone i think id look ok. hopefully taking this on as well as attempting to increase my pb's isn't too much to ask. have to wait and see adsy :)
Well, things were going well with my workouts and I was progressing nicely towards my goals, and then I go and get the flu. Not only that but as Im starting to get over it, I get the mumps of all things. So 3 weeks in bed have me going in the opposite direction and now my waist and bodyfat have risen sharply. Through that time I did the only positive thing I could think of which was to read up on as much nutritional information as possible, and also on as many different types of workouts as possible. So now Im ready to make a comeback only this time armed with a lot more knowledge and more ways of reaching my end of year goals. Going backwards the last 3 weeks has certainly made reaching them alot tougher but I know theres still time if I work hard enough at it, so here goes...
8% bodyfat by 31st of December 2007
28 inch waist by the 31st of December 2007
ive entered new goals im aiming for, mainly to be completed by the end of the year. Its been a long time goal to reach 1000 lbs in the big 3 lifts and i think when i finally do reach it hopefully by the end of the year, tho a big ask :), i will concentrate more on fat loss and hypertrophy and actually look more like a bodybuilder. The 250 lbs barrier for the bench press is attainable at present, ive never tried above 100kg (about 220 lbs) for reps so id like to see what i can do. The goal stats show im at about 174% to reaching this goal but this is based on a 1 rep max calculation (probably from when i managed 90kg for 10 reps). Deadlifts are still by far my best lift and i need to improve by about 10kg to get to 400lbs (182kg), with straps. Ive managed 140 kg (about 310lbs i think) for 4 without equipment. As such reaching 400lbs raw would take ages and i probably wont be able to do it by next year! Squats are progressing steadily although they are still way behind what they should be. Damn my weak hip flexors! :) i think the goals for squats will be some of the hardest to achieve in the time frame but it is my favourite lift at the moment so that can only help.
A few other goals include increasing bodypart sizes. These are progressing tediously slowly but they are changing so i ll stick with what im doing for now. Im determined to increase limb size to a more proportional appearance. If anyone is interested i used calculators from these links to determine ideal sizes:
it was interesting to see the believed maximum size for me at 8% bodyfat is 230lbs (drug free) so i have a long way to go before i reach my genetic potential. At first i thought the figures were for flexed muscles but they represent those in a relaxed state so i have a long way to go in that sense too! One thing that did stand out was my waist is well over the desired limit so im going to try a little bit more cardio, jogging or sprinting a few times a week. I tried it today and realised i hadn't actually ran full paced for a good year! That and its a lot harder on endurance when you're off the treadmill!
Very happy with my progress over the last two months.
Especially happy with the fact that my arms have gone up 1cm to the highest they've ever been. Note, though, that unlike Thib's original specification, I also worked bis and tris on another day earlier in the week, to give them more overall volume. Just a few sets, but enough to know that they're working.
Chest and shoulders have gone back up to the levels they were after my unsuccessful Westside strength gaining attempt. On a happier note, my legs are also bigger than they've ever been, and my waistline has only gained 0.5cm, even though I'm pinching 4.5cm more than I used to down there.
Nutrition-wise, for most of the time I was sticking to 3500cal, quite a few days I was winging it as long as I was still gaining weight. I gained approximately 3kg over the last 8 weeks.
Now, I'm taking a week off, but keeping the calories at 3500. According to Thibaudeau, a lot of the growth should take place in the deloading stage, so I'll measure myself again in a week to see if this had any impact. If it makes a significant difference, I'll keep resting for another week before going back on "The Winning Formula" to lose the extra bodyfat I've put on over the last 8 weeks, hopefully more. I've decided against a strength phase because I actually gained strength over the last 8 weeks too. PLUS, I did gain strength when I was doing "The Winning Formula" last time.
1 week after taking pictures and measuring myself, I'm still about the same.
This comes after 1 week of deloading.
I'm getting back into "The Winning Formula" - but since I didn't do so well with it last time, I'm tweaking things a little.
Instead of 4 strength sessions per week, I'm going to do 2x strength and 2x complexes sessions per week, plus some intervals. I'm also drastically going to reduce my carb intake - see how I go. Calories at 2250cal/day.
Did quite well. Dropped BF steadily through the first 4 weeks, took a week off and pounded it home with another two weeks. Once I got used to the lower carb situation, everything was OK. Here's my diet breakdown.
Sun-Mon: Cal = 2250, Carbs <= 10% total energy intake
Tue-Fri: Cal = 2250, Carbs <=20%
Sat: Day off
The Saturday day off was not only well deserved, but well needed. My body was tired and my mind needed a boost.
Truth be told, muscle mass wise, I'm not too different than at the end of my last cuts. I definitely need to add some mass to my frame, even if it takes me to higher BF%.
After 1 week deloading, I'll head back up to 3500cal to make sure I gain weight.
Gym wise, I'll be trialling 10x3 and working every muscle group 4x week with a day off on Wednesday. Every day I'll do different parameters. Time to gain some muscle.
The title says it all. At one point, my scales showed over 76kg, which is about 10kg heavier than I was when I started bulking in the middle of September.
I've definitely put on some muscle. Especially when training 4x a week full body - I made some excellent gains then. This included the 10x3 protocol, which was fantastic. Helped with my strength as well. After a week break after 8 weeks on the 10x3, I started out doing a 4 day split, which was OK but didn't seem to work quite as well. I also hurt my left knee while squatting, but it's slowly about back to normal now. I'll just have to get my strength back.
I've also put on a decent amount of fat. My waist measurment has gone up considerably, nearly 90cm, where it was just under 80 for a while there. My jeans barely fit me too.
So I'm going back on my 2250cal/day system with the same carbohydrate protocols as before. I've eaten very little today, and will do another big workout tomorrow to attack my muscle's carbohydrate stores. I'm also enlisting the aid of a fat-burner suppliement. On the exercise front, I'm going to go back to two full body strength sessions, likely the same as I've been doing in previous fat loss sessions. I'm also going to get back into my complexes.
Happy New Year!
I had shoulder surgery last saturday. This is a video clip of the inside of my shoulder. how weird is that??
on an unrelated note, i just released the latest version of the site. we've fixed about 30 bugs tonight. most of them were little things, although a couple of major ones. let me know if anyone has any problems. i'm off to bed!
Things are going quite well at the moment and I've started posting my workouts back on the site now its gone live.
Unlike most people over the Christmas period my body fat seems to have plummetted superbly and at the moment the scales seem to think im just below 8%, although how much they can be trusted is another matter. I do appear a bit leaner even though I didnt have much to lose in the first place.
I seem to be as strong as ever which is great going on the strength of yesterdays deadlift personal best AFTER doing a half hour crosstrain section but there is one major thing still holding me back.
I've got to have my tonsils out, they make my life a living hell. Consultation is on Monday next week at 10 past 10 at the hospital and I know what the result will be. That'll knock me back a couple of weeks I'm sure but after they're out perhaps I won't keep getting perpetually ill after every single workout I do. Right now my throat is closing up and my tonsils are right on the virge of majorly flaring.
Not good.