Wednesday, 7 January 2009

General update

Posted by jim on Wednesday, January 07, 2009. Visit jim's BodyDaemon Journal.
I've not written anything for a while so thought I'd update with how things are going.

No real change, but I am attacking the plan I formed with my physiotherapist which is comprised of:
  • Medial glute work
  • Massage of the lateral retinaculum
  • General glute activation work (eg: bridges)
  • Quad exercises with an emphasis on the VMO
My knee feels the same, but my medial glutes are definately getting stronger. I'm going to see my physio in about 10 days and get him to observe the changes in my pelvic tilt and posture. Hopefully I'm dropping my hip less.

Not much has happened. I had my MRI Arthrogram today and will see the consultant to review the results next Wednesday - so until then I won't know anything else. Until I know what's happening with it I am not doing any shoulder exercises as I don't want to make things worse.

I had a bit of a scare with RSI in my hand. It was so bad I thought I'd broken my wrist! Fortunately it feels a lot better now. I've got a Microsoft ergonomic keyboard and it's helping a lot.

Real life is busy for the next few days but I'll be back to adding new features very soon. Next things to be done are going to be:
  • A few new reports (I want a 'time spent doing cardio' report, and 'distance travelled in cardio'

  • Lots more exercises videos

  • Tidying up of the exercise libary

  • A more flexible way of recording exercises - so you'll be able to record as much information as you want in terms of distance, time, resistance etc. This came about when recording farmers walks - I got to thinking that some cardio exercises may involve resistance, and some resistance exercises may involve duration / distance. So once this is done, you guys can record exactly which information you want to. Exercises will have defaults (eg: by default 'running' will show distance and duration, but won't show resistance or reps!) - but you can tweak these
Hope you are all well. Not sure anyone is reading this, but still :-)

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