Thursday, 18 December 2008


Posted by Dimebag on Thursday, December 18, 2008. Visit Dimebag's BodyDaemon Journal.
I keep swaying back and forth between wanting to cut and wanting to get bigger, knowing full well the whole time the only way i'll improve on either is really down to diet and consistency. The latter I lack.

I saw a couple of older pictures of me when I was at a really lean 12 odd stone and I want to get back to that sort of definition. For that reason I am subbing my morning and lunch time meals for protein shakes and eating one healthy meal in the evening of lean meat and some lean carbs if I feel like it. Oh and lots of water. Lots.

I'm going to keep this up over the christmas period, it should be workable because I'm not too bothered about eating Christmas lunch etc, this isn't designed to make my life a misery. I'll be keeping up as much as possible at the gym going the days I can until the new year and we'll see if 3 weeks of subbing protein shakes in for meals will make a noticeable difference. Evidently I know it will take longer to achieve what I want but I want to see if its sustainable and worth it.

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