Thursday, 6 November 2008

Excuses, all I'm hearing is blah blah blah I'm weak.

Posted by Duncan Cassidy on Wednesday, November 05, 2008. Visit Duncan Cassidy's BodyDaemon Journal.
Meant to do the following circuit today but a visit to the doc this morning ended up with me being put on a table (surgical bed) and a biopsy conducted on a suspicious sunspot on my chest. Doc advised that it would probably not be a good idea to do any strenuous activity for 24 hours just to let the body deal with the fact that a 8mm wide x 12mm deep chunk of flesh was removed from my chest. Find out in a couple of weeks at the latest if it is cancerous. Anyway this is what I was meant to do:

5x Sprint starts + 7 KTE's (Knees to Elbows)
6 rounds, then
5 x sprint starts + 7 Ring Push ups
5 rounds, then
12 x Squat @ 40kg + 12 KTE's
4 rounds, then
5 x Sprint Starts + 5 x Heave (pull up, chin up)
3 rounds, then
5 x Sprint Starts + 5 x Burpee
2 rounds

Rest 5 min then
10 x 24" Box Jump + 10 x Wall Ball @ 8kg min height 10'
3 rounds

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