Posted by Dimebag on Wednesday, September 03, 2008. Visit Dimebag's BodyDaemon Journal.
I've been led to question the idea of a "hard gainer" recently. I was under the impression that I might be such a person who finds it hard to put on weight because of their genetic make up.
I think recently the situation I've found myself in has opened my eyes, you need 3 things to make a fire they say... fuel, oxygen and ignition.
I think its the same for growing bigger, my components are again fuel (food), oxygen I would substitute for rest and ignition... training.
They're all about equal in weighting in my mind now. If you don't have enough of one you either get a shit fire or nothing at all... same for growing.
Recently I've been eating like never before, seriously stupid amounts of food and its costing me a fortune, however, if you look at my body stats page you will see that I'm clearly growing, and fast too.
In the last 3 weeks I've put on nearly 8 lbs in weight from force feeding myself enough protein and food in general. I'm not hanging back on anything, I eat anything in sight to ensure I dont have a negative calorific deficit at the end of the day.
I'm feeling it too, today I managed 130kg for 8 in my deadlift set and it didn't feel terribly hard at all. I'm gonna go on until I hit my target weight (which is only 2kg away now for about 2 months more of training) and then I'll re-evaluate. If I keep growing like this without hitting a plateau i'll just keep training until I get as big as I want then cut. That should keep me happy for a while.
Cutting however, will not.
I think recently the situation I've found myself in has opened my eyes, you need 3 things to make a fire they say... fuel, oxygen and ignition.
I think its the same for growing bigger, my components are again fuel (food), oxygen I would substitute for rest and ignition... training.
They're all about equal in weighting in my mind now. If you don't have enough of one you either get a shit fire or nothing at all... same for growing.
Recently I've been eating like never before, seriously stupid amounts of food and its costing me a fortune, however, if you look at my body stats page you will see that I'm clearly growing, and fast too.
In the last 3 weeks I've put on nearly 8 lbs in weight from force feeding myself enough protein and food in general. I'm not hanging back on anything, I eat anything in sight to ensure I dont have a negative calorific deficit at the end of the day.
I'm feeling it too, today I managed 130kg for 8 in my deadlift set and it didn't feel terribly hard at all. I'm gonna go on until I hit my target weight (which is only 2kg away now for about 2 months more of training) and then I'll re-evaluate. If I keep growing like this without hitting a plateau i'll just keep training until I get as big as I want then cut. That should keep me happy for a while.
Cutting however, will not.